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Administration and Organization


As a Church you are focused on spreading the gospel and practically showing what God Words means in society by your words and deeds. 

At the same time there comes a lot of administrative and organizational work by being church. That might not be the most interesting part of it, but for the long-term growing and flourishing of a church a stable organization and administration is necessary. Without money you cannot rent a church building, and without a registration at the Chamber of Commerce (Kamer van Koophandel/KvK) you cannot open a bank account or start a contract to rent or buy a building. And so on. 
Many times it is not completely clear which rules do apply for churches and how to apply these rules in everyday life. Because of that we share some basic information about some frequently asked questions by churches about the following topics:


1. Foundation or denomination?

2. Starting a 'kerkgenootschap': drafting your own bylaws ('statuten'). Basic information according to Dutch laws and regulations.

2. Church registration: advice from a notary.

3. Opening a bank account.

4. Right accounting.

5. Right management.

6. ANBI status.

7. Insurances.

8. Certificate of Good Conduct (CGC/VOG)

9. Introduction of the UBO register from 2022 onwards and what that means to churches. 

10. Information on the new Civic Integration Act per 1 January 2022.

11. Introduction of the Law Management and Supervision of Legal Entities/ Wet Bestuur en Toezicht Rechtspersonen (WBTR) since July 1st 2020.


Do you want to know more? Have a look at our pages about Buildings and Actualities.

Are you missing certain information in this information database? Please contact the SKIN helpdesk by contacting


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